From September, the Australian Business Register (ABR) may contact you or your clients. The ABR will contact a random sample of Australian business number (ABN) holders across all entity types to:
- confirm their business information
- discuss how they use the ABN, and check their understanding of how ABNs are used
- find out about their registration experience and ask for suggestions for how we can improve it
- if applicable, confirm their entitlement to the ABN. The ABR will not cancel ABNs unless you or your clients request this.
The ABR is trying to understand and improve the experience for clients applying for, maintaining and cancelling an ABN, and will use the information to measure ABR data quality.
The ABR wants to ensure the right people get an ABN, and that the register can support business and government beyond initial registration. For example, the ABR supports the government using current ABR information during times of natural disaster, to identify where Emergency Services and financial disaster relief is needed.